Company Profile

The Company was incorporated by Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990 in year April 13th 2004, with the name Wesco Pools Ltd Registration No 509953. The company operated on the UK Soccer Pools for several years until in 2012 when the processing for the lottery business commenced. As part of the requirement to obtain the National Lottery Regulatory License.

The share capital was recapitalized from 500,000 to 5,000,000 (Five Million Shares) on the 21st day of December 2012.
The name Wesco Pools Ltd changed to Wesco Pools & Lottery Limited in the year 22nd day of April 2013 with the Registration No 509953 retained after fulfilling all requirements to meet up with National Lottery Act of 2005.

On December 1 2014, the Presidency through the National Lottery Regulatory Commission Abuja license WESCO POOLS & LOTTERY LIMITED to operate lottery business in the 36 states of the federation Nigeria subject to the provision of the National Lottery Act 2005. The validity of the license is 10 years. The company has since grown to cover several states in Nigeria.

Organizational Chart

MD/CEO Profile